So yeah... I was driving around San Francisco after an engagement shoot on my way to another engagement shoot, which means my camera was on the seat next to me in my really cool rental car. It was a Chevy HHR, which is just a wanna be PT Cruiser (no offense to anyone that owns a PT Cruiser... it's just not my first choice in a vehicle). I was driving up this hill and all of the sudden I saw this view. I quickly grabbed my camera, flicked it on, tried to expose and snapped the shot; then out of the corner of my eye I see that the light is RED!!! I slammed on my breaks and came screeching to a stop in the middle of the cross walk. My camera, laptop, soda and everything else that could get airborne did.
But... I got the shot!

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Dude. You're dangerous...
Awesome shot! It was great to see you again last night!
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